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The devil in a sentence

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Sentence count:225+6Posted:2018-04-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: like the devilraise the devilthe devil to payspeak of the devilgive the devil his duebedevildaredevilblue devilsMeaning: n. something difficult or awkward to do or deal with. 
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31. He that sups with the devil must have a long spoon. 
32. He looks like a saint but the devil he is. 
33. The devil may get in by the keyhole, but the door won't let him out. 
34. Set a beggar on horseback and he'll ride to the devil
35. Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear. 
36. The devil is always in the details.
37. Do you believe in the Devil?
38. Talk of the devil and he will appear.
39. What the devil are you doing?
40. The Devil tempted Adam and Eve.
41. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.
42. Speak of the devil.
43. She was convinced he was possessed by the devil .
44. At High Mass the priest preached a sermon on the devil.
45. The guards were sadistic beasts and their leader was the devil incarnate.
46. We ran like the devil.
47. The media cast him as the devil incarnate .
48. He's got the devil of a temper.
49. The leader seemed the devil incarnate.
50. The devil has got into this class today.
51. Well( devil.html), talk of the devil!
52. He made a pact with the devil.
53. The devil was painted with horns and cloven hooves.
54. Cold weather plays the devil with my rheumatism.
55. These pans are the devil to clean.
56. What/Who/Why/Where the devil is that?
57. What the devil do you think you're doing?
58. Where the devil have you been?
59. The Devil is vulgarly referred to as 'Old Nick'.
60. How the devil should I know what she's thinking?
More similar words: like the devilraise the devilthe devil to payspeak of the devilgive the devil his duebedevildaredevilblue devilsdevildevilrydevilishdust devildevilfishdevilmentdevilishlydevil's clawdevil-may-carevaudevilletasmanian devildevil's advocatejoie de vivrestorage deviceexplosive deviceintrauterine deviceevildevirevileevillyweevildeviant
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